Don't Have a Notification Account ID ?
Effective July 1, 2009, if you are notifying about a logging operation in Virginia,
you must have a Logging Operation Notification Account issued from the Virginia
Department of Forestry. To create an account, or retrieve your account details,
you must call DOF during regular business hours (M-F 8 am – 4:30 pm). (434) 977 -6555
To notify by phone: 1-800-939-LOGS (5647)
Note: You will need a Notification Account ID to use this 800-number service.
Information about Failure To Notify
Civil Penalty for Failure to Notify the State Forester of Commercial Timber Harvesting
Operation - Effective July 1, 2002
The 2002 session of Virginia's General Assembly made changes to the Silvicultural
Water Quality Law, Code of Virginia §10.1-1181.2(H) related to Notification of the
Commercial Harvesting of Timber. This change gives the State Forester the
authority to issue a Civil Penalty of $250 for the initial violation and up to $1,000
for subsequent violations within a 24-month (2-year) period.
The Notification is required by the Operator (as defined in the law) and the Civil
Penalty will be assessed against the Operator for failure to notify.
Notification must be received by the Virginia Department of Forestry within three
working days of the start of the logging operation, or before completion
if the operation will take less than three days to finish.